Help say enough is enough this Christmas.
Over the festive season, while many of us are celebrating with our loved ones, around 2,000 people with a learning disability, autism, or both, have been separated from their families and inhumanely locked away.
Vulnerable and alone, they are being held in institutions, sometimes miles from home. Here, they are at increased risk of abuse and neglect, and in environments that don't meet their needs, which can lead to lasting trauma. Some are subject to physical restraint, over-medicated and kept in isolation. This is a human rights scandal. Things must change. No one should be treated like this.
Any gifts you can give could help Mencap work with parents, like Alison, to fight for her son Adam’s release. Adam was 12 when he was last with his family at Christmas. He’s 30 now, having spent 15 years in secure institutions. We desperately need your support to help fight this system and get justice for our loved ones.
- £25 cound help make sure we're at parliament to influence the government to keep its promise on trasnforming care
- £50 could help fund media support for families to speak out about their injustice and keep the pressure on releasing their loved one
- £250 could help pay for legal expertise to stop another admission to a secure unit or help free people from modern-day asylums
- £1,000 could help families connect with others facing similar challenges and create vital peer support networks.
You can help bring loving families, kept apart by an uncaring system, back together again.
Thank you so much for giving this Christmas.